And quite frankly, I do not understand why "celebrities" feel theirs is more important. What exactly qualifies moron extraordinaire (and Brit no less) Russel Brand to give his political opinion during a music awards show calling Bush "retarded" or Wanda Sykes to call all Rebuplicans "evil" on the Tonight Show? I am all for free speech don't get me wrong, but I feel that it is ridiculous to see these already puffed-up self-important and ill-informed people be given a soapbox. More over, where is the intelligence in these comments, are we really still on the 3rd grade playground engaging in name-calling? Yes, as a business owner and a member of the oft-forgotten middle class, I am a McCain supporter. I realize that not all my blog readers will agree with that stance, but this is my soapbox after all. Do I support him because he is a Republican, no. I am not a person who blindly supports someone because of their party affiliation, but I feel that he is
FAR more qualified as our commander in chief than Mr. Obama. Do I support Palin because she is woman? How insulting to even ask. I think she is a breath of fresh, HONEST air that we desperately need in the White House with the same issues in her household as the rest of us though I do have to point out that I simply cannot remember the last time a candidate's "household" was in question. Oh that's right, male politicians don't need to answer such questions, do they? I feel Obama's platform of "hope & change" is without foundation and elaboration not to mention the fact that I am not comfortable with a man who currently holds the title of most liberal senator on the hill nor the second most liberal, Joe Biden as his running mate running the show. What exactly will change other than the balance of my checking and savings account to throw money at "social programs" which have so often proven flawed? Do folks not accept that for jobs to remain in tact, businesses need to remain solvent so raising taxes on businesses to increase funding for these programs which encourage the down trodden to stay that way will only force job cuts for those who are willing to earn their pay? Seems like simple math to me, but then again, I am not a comedian or actor so my opinion matters only to me. What a pity because I think their are more intelligent non celebrities out there (on BOTH sides of the political line) who deserve to be heard. In short, I would rather have a person in office whose opinions are firm and unwavering whether I agree with them or not because I find pandering and glad handing distasteful not to mention dishonest & misleading. As the song goes, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything." Do any of us really know what it is that Obama/Biden stand for?
*I welcome comments on this post, positive or negative, if you chose to leave one but please know that I will not publish any which contain profanity or personal attacks.