Monday, February 2, 2009

At least it's not strep throat...

Yep, another kid home sick today, but this time in addition to feeling terrible for her, I have mom guilt to add to it. L had a particularly bad day last Friday and this morning I really thought that she was playing possum when she came down complaining of a sore throat and sent her on to school. Fast forward to about 12:30 when I got a call from the nurse letting me know that L was in her office with a headache and temperature of 102.4...crap. By the time I arrive within the span of 10 minutes, her fever had climbed to 102.8. Luckily for all of us, Daddy had called ahead to the doctor and her appointment was scheduled for 30 minutes later and even had the forethought to send me with a medicine syringe filled with Motrin to give her when I picked her up from school. After a quick swab, strep was ruled out and the flu diagnosis handed down. UGH! I hate the flu! I only hope we got to it in time so the Tamiflu can do it's job otherwise, it's another miserable week in my house.
Aren't crayons the greatest? So colorful and neat when they are new. In a week's time they'll be battered and broken and half will be missing but for now, they are perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( hope she's feeling better soon! Call me when you get a moment :)