Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 490

Field Day Fun Take II...
This morning was C's field day at school and he had such a great time. I swear, this is the best class! The kids all get along so well and the moms are great. I will be so sad to see it go even though he is so excited to be riding the bus next year. Poor M's field day has been rescheduled three times due to weather. We are hoping it will go on this Monday. Sheesh, there's only two weeks left and they have already turned their books in and everything!
No, he didn't have to go potty, he had a water-soaked ball he was supposed to hold between his legs while running...ha-ha!
Since there was an uneven number of kids, his p.e. teacher recruited daddy to be C's partner in the water balloon toss.
Wheel barrow races are always a big hit.
He picked this giant marble up with his toes! See how proud he was of himself?
A great bunch of kids...

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