Monday, August 24, 2009

off to a great start.

The first day of school already? Yep. This morning went amazingly well with everyone up and moving and ready to go. Unfortunately, for the first time in her entire life, I completely forgot to take a pic of M on her first day of school. What the heck was I thinking? I don't know. It was so early when she left (6:55 am) and after she and Daddy pulled out of the driveway, I went on to start my day by stripping our bed when it hit me. I guess I'll just have to take a pic of her at the end of the day for a change. Needless to say, I did not make the same mistake with L & C. L was up and downstairs and dressed in the outfit she picked out for this day on the second week of summer within five minutes after her alarm going off.
We arrive safe & sound and with plenty of time to spare.
In the doors, no turning back now.
We started with C's class and I prayed that it would go well.
Sizing up the kids around him.
Prayers answered, I am soooo happy that this year C was far more upbeat than his Kindergarten year. He was all smiles all the way to school and even as we left, he was still grinning. The only heartbreaking part was that he wouldn't give me a kiss goodbye because as you can see in this picture, he is letting me know that there is a cute girl sitting next to him and I guess it's already uncool to kiss your mom in front of a girl. Off I go to cry.
Next we were off to L's class to get her settled in.
Nothing like having your mom snapping away while you try to not draw attention to yourself!

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