Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 432

I Tumble 4 Ya...
Totally cheating today. We had a crazy, crazy day with kids going this way and that and all in opposite directions! Add to that, we had friends come over for dinner that it had been far too long since we had seen. After a terrific dinner and conversation, it had already turned, where does the time go? Just as they were loading up to leave, we got a call from L saying she wanted to come home because she couldn't sleep without hugs & kisses. Awe! So, these are all from different activities yesterday afternoon and I don't feel guilty, not one little bit!

Field of Dreams...C wanted to watch his buddy play his baseball game this evening to see if it might be something he could try too. All the little ones in their uniforms were just too cute. I think C is still on the fence about actually playing, he seems content just to be a spectator for now.

1 comment:

Amy Jamieson Photography Blog said...

Haven't seen you on the forums lately. I am glad you are busy with the kids and the business.

We miss you being around.